【イベントのお知らせ】English Below ⤵
🏡 空き家問題をどうするか?残すべき空き家を工夫して利用することにより綺麗な環境と住みやすい地域になります。市民、企業、政治家のコラボによりさらに元気な安中へ 🌷
弁士:澤崎レンネ~古民家民泊経営者 & 茂木ひでこ~安中市長
テーマ「古民家を地域資源に 〜日本文化を活かしたまちづくり〜」
30人まで。参加したい場合 主催 市民ネットワークまでお問合せください:090-5207-1284

※ 現在安中市内約400箇所に貼られているポスタ
【Upcoming event】
🏡 Using Traditional Buildings & Homes to Build a Strong Community 🌷
Discussion Leaders: Annaka Mayor Hideko Moteki & Historic Homes Owner Renée Sawazaki (in Japanese)
Topic: “Heritage ‘Kominka’ Homes as Regional Resources: Community-Building through the Usage of Japanese Culture”
Date and Time: Sat April 23 from 2pm
Place: Mitsuba House 631-1 Hitomi, Matsuida-machi, Annaka-shi, Gunma-ken
RSVP: Shimin Network (The Citizens’ Network...Office of the Mayor) 090-5207-1284
Max 30 participants
The poster for this event is currently, and until April 10, posted in around 400 locations throughout the city of Annaka. Some people mistakenly think that since I am featured with the mayor that I am interested in becoming a politician. Given that foreign residents, even if they hold a permanent resident visa like myself, are not even granted voting rights, nothing could be farther from my professional goals. As I wrote on the flier I made using the images of this poster and Mitsuba House, I feel strongly that collaboration between the private and public sector is the key to creating a strong and healthy community. 🌷