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Motoyasu & Renée's 25th anniversary portrait_engawa_3.29.2023.jpg

Shungite for Ultimate Wellbeing


Kiyomizu Spa houses the largest collection of therapeutic shungite in Japan.


We offer individualized consulting so you can get the most out of our high-quality shungite. .


If your body were a car, we provide the tune up so you can use it and maintain your natural ability to heal and experience the life you were meant to.


✔️ Cleanse, repair and strengthen your body & mind

✔️ Create life-enhancing lifestyle habits

✔️ Improve self, family, work and social relationships 


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Mitsuba House: Luxury Vacation Rental 

♨️ Elegant villa in Isobe Onsen ♨️

Romantic getaway. Much needed vacation. Work remotely in natural, zen-like setting with easy access less than 2 hours from Tokyo. Completely private vacation home just for you and your party. Enjoy a BBQ on the property with unobscured views of Mt. Myogi and Mt. Asama. Stroll through the neighboring Isobe Onsen hot spring village and let go of all your stress in an open-air foot bath or luxurious coed sand bath spa. Perfect for vacations or parties, wedding / reception support, photography / video shooting. Up to 12 guests.


01 01

Kiyomizu House: Private Vacation Villa

🌿 A historical home in the spiritual heart of Japan 🌿

Have the classic Japanese vacation of your dreams. Rejuvenate in the healing atmosphere of the classic wooden 'miyadaiku' sacred construction.

Stroll through the neighboring Kyoto-style gardens, experience a Shungite Detox Hot Stone Massage or Wrap in the in-house spa,

or relax in the nearby natural hot springs and saunas.

Ideal for photography and video location shoots as well.

Up to 16 guests.

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Let's have fun at Kiyomizu House 😊

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MRS Gunma's Story

古民家 貸切民泊





2016年にMRS Gunmaとして貸切民泊を始めました。




「MRS Gunma's Story」ブログでシェアしたいと思います。


メディア  & 地域活動






[The Making of a Vacation Rental from a Traditional Japanese Home that was Love at First Sight]


Tokyo and Around Tokyo

For learning about supporting responsible travel movement in Japan and

discovering sustainable tourism spots in Tokyo and around Tokyo.


Tokyo and Around Tokyo Kiyomizu post_main picture_11.4.2022.jpg
Tokyo and Around Tokyo blog entry_Kiyomizu House_11.4.2022.jpg


#1073 群馬・高崎市  ~ウェルカム!古民家民泊~

放送日 2022年4月16日(土)18:00〜18:30 


再放送 2022年7月4日(月)6:00~6:25

CS299 テレ朝チャンネル2(スカパー!衛星放送)

再放送 2023年7月26日(水)11:00~11:20


再放送 2024年7月24日(土)5:30~5:50






レンネさんが主人公です。もちろん家族と仲間がこのドキュメンタリー番組に出演します。基保夫、子供たち、きよみず邸とその近辺(泊り客の経験、老人ホーム「フラの風」萩原社長ご夫妻とスタッフ、関口コウ切り絵美術館と経営の並木さん、鳴沢湖、旧下田邸庭園と書院、上毛野はにわの里と直売所)、澤崎家の自宅とみつ葉邸(近所の仲良くしている方といつもお世話になっている日本家屋専門建築会社「Arty Inc.」の近藤社長)





ぜひ時間があったらこの番組を見てください 。

澤崎 レンネ 🌸



✓​ 1月30日群馬県の上毛新聞に「きよみず邸」と澤崎夫妻の記事


✓​ 2月人生の楽園リサーチャーによる問い合わせと数回インタビュー


✓​ 3月4~​7​お雛様の時期に撮影​ ​​ ​ 4月30日レンネの誕生日に放送予定日​ ​


✓​ ️​ ​テレビ朝日「人生の楽園」放送​ ️​ #1073回 『群馬・高崎市  ~ウェルカム!古民家民泊~』

2022年4月16日(土)18:00〜18:30 きよみず邸の5年オープン記念日


✓​ 7月4日 アメリカの誕生日に再放送!Happy Birthday USA​ ​


この5年のドキュメンタリー内容と同時に … 早い​ ​

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Moteki & Sawazaki-Machi Tsukuri Koenkai.jpeg



弁士:澤崎レンネ~古民家民泊経営者 & 茂木ひでこ~元安中市長

テーマ「古民家を地域資源に 〜日本文化を活かしたまちづくり〜」



※ 現在安中市内約400箇所に貼られているポスターは4月10日安中市長選挙の告示まで掲示しております。そして4月17日はその投票日です。そこでこのポスターを見ると外国人である私が政治活動に興味があるとよく勘違いされます。永住権を持っていますが選挙権がないため政治的な活動は無意味です。私が作成したポスター&みつ葉邸のチラシを見ていただくと私の目的がわかります。政治と市民のコラボによってもっと暮らしやすい地域を目指しております。

澤崎レンネ~古民家民泊経営者 & 茂木ひでこ~元安中市長 【まちづくり講演会】「古民家を地域資源に 〜日本文化を活かしたまちづくり〜」
澤崎レンネ~古民家民泊経営者 & 茂木ひでこ~元安中市長 【まちづくり講演会】「古民家を地域資源に 〜日本文化を活かしたまちづくり〜」
澤崎レンネ~古民家民泊経営者 & 茂木ひでこ~元安中市長 【まちづくり講演会】「古民家を地域資源に 〜日本文化を活かしたまちづくり〜」
澤崎レンネ~古民家民泊経営者 & 茂木ひでこ~元安中市長 【まちづくり講演会】「古民家を地域資源に 〜日本文化を活かしたまちづくり〜」
澤崎レンネ~古民家民泊経営者 & 茂木ひでこ~元安中市長 【まちづくり講演会】「古民家を地域資源に 〜日本文化を活かしたまちづくり〜」

trico JALの旅コミュニティ ブログ


[Tell us about the gems in your region. Gunma Prefecture + JAL's Regional Support Team: Onsens, Daruma and Castles! So much to do!]


trico JALの旅コミュニティ ブログ 【ふるさと自慢を教えて!】群馬県×JALふるさと応援隊。温泉に、だるまに、お城まで!?見どころたくさん、群馬の旅】「きよみず邸」&「みつ葉邸」
JAL Trico Blog_Content & bottom of Kiyomizu House photo.png
trico JALの旅コミュニティ ブログ 【ふるさと自慢を教えて!】群馬県×JALふるさと応援隊。温泉に、だるまに、お城まで!?見どころたくさん、群馬の旅】「きよみず邸」&「みつ葉邸」


西北毛 安中地域 ニュース

​「養蚕農家を改装 夫婦で民泊営業」

"A Couple Who Remodeled a Farmhouse for Silk Production & Are Renting it out as a Vacation Home"


【2022年1月30日(日)上毛新聞】  西北毛 安中地域 ニュース  ​「養蚕農家を改装 夫婦で民泊営業」澤崎レンネ & 澤崎基保

【Gunma Excellence 施設】


群馬県では外国人旅行者におもてなしの心を伝え、ストレスフリーに滞在出来る施設を「Gunma Excellence施設」として登録してまs。

MRS Gunma on Visit Gunmaのウエブページ



【Gunma Excellence 施設】 県内観光事業者(外国人誘客のためのパートナー施設)きよみず邸 みつ葉邸
2021 Gunma Excellence Project with JAL Visit Gunma  きよみず邸 みつ葉邸

【2021年10月6日(水) 上毛新聞 】

​《選挙に想う 母国の制度から》@米国 政治家との距離近く

"Reflecting on the Electoral System in my Home County: Close Distance between Citizens and Politicians"





【2021年10月6日(水) 上毛新聞 】  ​《選挙に想う 母国の制度から》@米国 政治家との距離近く 澤崎レンネ
群馬テレビ News Eye8 【特集】  「民泊法施行から1年」きよみず邸 みつ葉邸 澤崎レンネ 澤崎基保
群馬テレビ News Eye8 【特集】  「民泊法施行から1年」きよみず邸 みつ葉邸 澤崎レンネ 澤崎基保
群馬テレビ News Eye8 【特集】  「民泊法施行から1年」きよみず邸 みつ葉邸 澤崎レンネ 澤崎基保
群馬テレビ News Eye8 【特集】  「民泊法施行から1年」きよみず邸 みつ葉邸 澤崎レンネ 澤崎基保

Gunma Television News Eye8 [Special Feature] One year from the enforcement of the Minpaku Law

July 9, 2019

Asahi Shimbun Gunma Edition January 6, 2021

A woman from the United States who "loved the hearts of Japanese people" is in full swing

[A woman from the United States who

"loves the hearts of Japanese people"]

【朝日新聞 群馬版 2021年1月6日】  「米国人女性の民泊 癒やしの場  日本文化に関心、全国転々  高崎で旧養蚕農家改装」澤崎レンネ 澤崎基保 きよみず邸

Minpaku Walker

(Kadokawa Shoten) March 2020

【民泊 Walker (角川書店) 2020年3月】  ​「高崎まつり大花火大会」  ​きよみず邸 貸別荘 澤崎レンネ 澤崎基保
【民泊 Walker (角川書店) 2020年3月】  ​「高崎まつり大花火大会」  ​きよみず邸 貸別荘 澤崎レンネ 澤崎基保

【2020年1月6日(月) 上毛新聞 】


[The Restoration of a Famous Castle as the Base for Tourism]


【2020年1月6日(月) 上毛新聞 】  ​《名城復元観光拠点に》  [The Restoration of a Famous Castle as the Base for Tourism]  箕輪城跡地の近辺に宿泊施設「きよみず邸」澤崎基保 澤崎レンネ
旧下田邸庭園 きよみず邸の隣

Introducing MRS Gunma 

Motoyasu & Renée's 25th Wedding Anniversary Portrait_Mitsuba House.JPG

Motoyasu Sawazaki

MRS Gunma, representative

Introduction of Mr. Motoho: "M" of MRS Gunma

  • Mr. Motoho is very calm and takes good care of each person.

    • Born in Gunma prefecture in 1960. Currently in Annaka City, Gunma Prefecture.

    • Graduated from Teikyo University Faculty of Law, Department of Law.

    • Office worker, 25 years

    • English Library and Storytelling Chairman, 7 years

  • 3 housekeepers for accommodation, healing and shungite sales, 2016-present

  • Shungite product development and store establishment, 2017-present

澤崎レンネ きよみず邸

Renée Sawazaki

Offering private vacation homes  & MRS Gunma Shungite Therapy

Hello! We support those who are wondering what to do to live a healthy and active life. First, keep a clean environment, body, and thoughts. We offer "MRS Gunma Body Power", an easy-to-understand, easy-to-support, and affordable program. Let's create a bright society with each and every happy family.


In 2016, I entered my second life and started MRS Gunma Homes & Shungite Spa with my husband for "relaxation, interaction and health" from my career in English education. In order to let everyone know more about the goodness of Gunma Prefecture, we purchased two historic houses in 2017 and repeatedly remodeled them while operating them as private lodgings. It has become available for various purposes. Therefore, my biggest dream is to have a homemade wedding and a training camp on health and education themes.



Born in California, USA in 1969. Lives in Annaka City, Gunma Prefecture since 1995.

  1. University of California, Berkeley, USA (Faculty of Economics, Minor of French) August 1987-May 1991

  2. SIT Graduate Institute, School for International Training, Vermont, USA (Master of English Teaching) June 1994-August 1995

  3. English Educator June 1991-March 2018

    • Full-time: Niijima Gakuen Junior and Senior High School, Rikkyo University, Surugadai University, Kyoai Gakuen Maebashi International University

    • Part-time lecturer: Niijima Gakuen Junior College, Takasaki University of Economics, Gunma National College of Technology

    • Research paper presentations: National Language Education Society (JALT), English Teachers in Japan (ETJ), etc.

    • Textbook publishing, etc .: Tokyo Shoseki, Sanshusha , Sanseido, Seibido Shuppan, Gakuji Shuppan, etc.

    • International Family English Assistance and Library: Wordland Literacy Center, Rainbow Families

  4. Transformation Energy Healing Principles Study and Practice under Har Holyness Cymer May 2013-Present-Integrated Western and Oriental Methodology and Practice for Therapists Obtained Intensive Course January 2014-November 2017

  5. Rainbow Kids Yoga Certified Instructor September 2016

  6. MRS Gunma Joint Management (Motoho Sawasaki & Mrs. Lenne) October 2016-Present

    • MRS Gunma Shungite Therapy

    • Chartered Miyadaiku Inn: Mitsuba House (near Isobe Onsen) & Kiyomizu House (near Minago Onsen)

    • Video guide:

A message from MRS Gunma:

Motoyasu and Renée Sawazaki in Gunma

As parents, educators, therapists, and citizens, we support happy and healthy families with pure feelings.

First of all, health is the most important thing. If your body is in a natural and strong state, you can always feel comfortable and be able to talk and act gently. The most important thing is an environment where you can feel calm and connect with people when you are in nature. From the basic life of being able to relax and interact in a wooden house, it became important to change from a society full of electrical appliances to sitting in front of the TV and reading picture books together and taking time for parent-child communication. I will.

As the children grow up, they can share this value and work on their second life work, and enjoy running MRS Gunma with the theme of "relaxation, health, and interaction." The people who provide and use these technologies and services are not just customers, but the MRS Gunma family. Two more than one, and three more loving friends can create an even more wonderful society. Forcibly, the seeds of international peace have a great impact on society, like the ripples of water, from one heart, one family, and one company.

The Kiyomizu House building was for the silk industry, which started the Industrial Revolution in Japan. Fortunately, it can be used as a place for the "love revolution" by revolving around the empty house.

きよみず邸 澤崎基保 澤崎レンネ
Motoyasu & Renée's 25th anniversary portrait_engawa_3.29.2023.jpg

Thanks for visiting our site. We look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks for contacting us! We'll get back to you soon.

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